Our J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth, age 55+) Fellowship meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 10:30 AM. We sing, enjoy a meal, have fellowship and a short program or special speaker. Click HERE for our current brochure of activities. Everyone 55 years and over is invited to come and join the fun. Lunch is included for a $5 donation.
Prior to the pandemic we offered other activities such as day trips, some at little or no cost. The church bus was used as much as possible for these activities. Lord willing, as things return to normal, we would like to resume these extra activities. We also encourage our people to use their talents and spiritual gifts in the work of the Lord by occasionally providing opportunities for ministry and Christian service.
If you would like to meet new friends, fellowship with old ones, or just have something to do, we encourage you to participate in our J.O.Y. here at Grace Bible Baptist Church. You will be glad you did!
For more information, please call the church office (352) 326-5738 or EMAIL US